A Cahier of 7 + 1 photographs of a woodland cabin in the South of Flanders as part of ‘Flash B(l)ack’ CC Strombeek in 2009, a group exhibition curated by Luk Lambrecht

2002 — 2009

'La Cabane' was part of the project 'Flash B(l)ack: an exhibition about the memory of photography' curated by Luk Lambrecht. This exhibition aims to develop an idea about the significantly changed position of photography through the work of a dozen (inter)national artists. The transition from analogue to digital photography has not only led to an even greater democratization of the medium, but also to a sense of satisfaction, whether instant or not, about the results of all that clicking.

'Flash B(l)ack' highlights a number of approaches within the artistic discourse. The exhibition is built around the work of two pioneers from the analog era with black and white photography: Paul Nougé and Julien Coulommier.

In the winter 2002 I visited the woodland cabin for the first time and was overwhelmed by the nature and the environment. I decided to photograph this project with my analogue camera and returned many times and documented my visits over and over again until spring of the next year. 

Only 7 + 1 photographs were selected to make this edition. The edition is printed on matte archival paper on 25 copies. Book binding by Clara Gevaert. The special edition comes with a massive oak box.

Price edition 150 €
Price special edition in massive oak on demand.

Woodland Cabin in the South of Flanders
Architecture by Robbrecht en Daem architecten.
Landscape by Herman Seghers.

The cabin is built in a hilly and wooded area in the south of Flanders. The small building is at the heart of a system of paths, steps and fences constructed in the surroundings. These constructions are not intended to do any more than leave some sort of trace in a wild environment which in essence remains  unchanged. The project seeks a certain contact with the chaos of nature and preserves this unshaped state.

The cabin serves as a rudimentary lodging where one can enjoy silence, birds, animals and plants. It’s a small building and contains only a bed and a limited seating area with two chairs and a wood stove. All other household activities such as washing and cooking take place out in the open air. The structure stands on a platform built above a stream. The walls form a bilobate floor plan. They are made of stacked wooden blocks joined with dowel pegs. The roof comprises a web shaped pattern of beams boards covered with peat.