The city of Antwerp and its museums manage numerous art collections, among which the 'Kunst in de Stad' collection is likely the most visible: statues, monuments and other artworks adorn the streets, squares and parks in every district of the city. In the winter of 2019-2020 I was invited to document approx. 247 works. In the form of a film a part of this photographic archive will be shown to the public on CINEMA TICK TACK. The film features 170 pictures whereby I focus in an objective way on the artwork and its place in the urban landscape of Antwerp.
The photographic images of the artworks are straight and objective and depict the works as they are seen by the camera’s eye. Little attention is paid to formal elements. The aesthetic character of the series focuses on the photographic view of the object, the artwork.
How the object is framed within the context of the urban landscape matters paramount importance. The broader environment in which the artwork is located is examined, in turn the way the artwork relates to its surroundings, is considered. With often banal semi-urban landscape elements, the photographic image is constructed geometrically within the frame, so that the artwork seems to be riveted to the landscape, as it were.
Today 275 works were documented. When the reader finally browses through the photo series, the Antwerp urban landscape unfolds little by little parallel to the display of the art collection.
The light is soft and neutral. Direct sunlight is avoided as much as possible. The technical quality of the images is impeccable, the images sharp in focus and rich in detail.
Screening from Sunset till 1 AM
Mechelsesteenweg 247
2018 Antwerpen
CTT is a new and exclusive platform for moving image works. Reaching numerous of passersby and commuters on a daily basis, CTT serves as a channel, stimulating a connection in its urban setting.
All images © Kristien Daem and Kunst in de Stad
Guillaume Bijl, Groetend Admiraal Koppel, 2016
Alphons Peeters, Leeuw, 1887
Gautam Pal, Gandhi, year unknown
Alexis Van Mechelen, Gedenkzuil Willem en Bonapartedok, 1906
Tom Frantzen, Jan Van Rijswijckmonument, 2006
Carla Kamphuis, Het Antwerps Havenmeisje, 2005
Alphons Peeters, Leeuw, 1887
Wilfried Pas, Gerard Walschap, 2006
Mark Macken, Vrede, 1960
Artist unknown, Monument voor de slachtoffers uit Eerste Wereldoorlog, year unknown
Cristina Iglesias, Diepe Fontein, 1999
Willem Bierwerts, Monument Verbeeck, 1970
Constantin Meunier, Buildrager, 1950
Artist unknown, Monument voor de Antwerpse kolonialen, 1910
Dirk Lenaerts, Kim en Ken, 1998
Frans Joris, Leopold De Wael, 1897
Artist unknown, Sokkel, year unknown
Artist unknown, Schandpaal Wilmaarsdonk, year unknown
Corey McCorckle, Schema, 2012
Jos Wilm, Het Schipperke, 1977
Marc De Roover, Schalen, 2001
Stanislas Marichal, A perfect Touch, 2004
Lode Vleeshouwers, Kerststal Liggende Os, 1962
Frans Wuytack, De Vredesboom, 1994
Ronald De Winter, De Geiten, 1991
Jan Verleije, Zwaantjesmonument, 1989
Jan Dries, Kracht, year unknown
Installation view Exhibition at Cinema Tick Tack